4. Thomas Means (Robert ) was born in 1722. He died on 5 May 1756 in Freeport.
Thomas married (1) Alice Phinney. Alice was born in 1727 in Wells, ME. She died on 5 May 1756.
Thomas and Alice had the following children:
+ 12 F i Alice Means 13 ii Infant Means was born in 1755. Infant died on 5 May 1756.[Notes]
Thomas also married (2) Alice Armstrong. Alice was born about 1727 in Flying Neck, ME.
They had the following children:
+ 14 F iii Jane Means 15 F iv Alice Means was born <1752> in . 16 M v Robert Means was born in 1754 in . 17 M vi Thomas Means Jr. was born in 1757 in Flying Neck, Freeport, ME.
8. John Means (Robert ) was born in 1728 in Falmouth, Maine. He died on 16 Mar 1776 in Old Orchard, Beach, Maine.
John married Eleanor Johnson on 25 Dec 1748. Eleanor was born in 1729. She died on 18 Sep 1789.
They had the following children:
18 M i John Means was born in 1750 in Old Orchard, ME. He died on 16 Apr 1782. + 19 M ii Robert Means Capt. + 20 M iii James Means + 21 M iv Thomas Means + 22 M v George Means 23 F vi Jane Means was born on 5 Aug 1759. 24 F vii Eleanor Means was born 1 on 1 Aug 1764 and was christened on 17 Nov 1765. She died 2 INT 1765 (WFT Est. 1765-1858). 25 M viii Dorcas Means was born on 25 Oct 1767 and was christened on 20 Sep 1772. He died on 21 Apr 1772.[Notes] 26 F ix Living 27 F x Living 28 F xi Margaret Means was christened on 10 Jul 1762.