Means Family References

Means Family Documents

The Captain James Means House (1797) Stroutwater Maine
Clipper Ship “Zouave” entering Hong Kong Harbor. Captain L. Means Master

In the summer of 1718, the first organized company of Presbyterians, of which we have any knowledge, left the shores of Ireland in 5 vessels, containing 120 families, for the new world, and arrived safely in Boston, August 4, 1718. Here all was new, the wilderness and the world before them. Imagine this little colony, strangers in a strange land, seeking new homes and not knowing whither to turn. There they lie at the little wharf at the foot of State Street in the town of Boston, which then contained about 12,000 inhabitants, taking counsel on where to go, and how to dispose of themselves and their little ones, to begin the world anew. With their wonted energy, they were soon astir. One brigantine, with a company of 20 families, sought their fortunes at the eastward, among whom were Armstrong, Means, McKean, and Gregg’-they spent a hard and long winter in Portland harbor, and then most of them fled westward, to join their companions in founding their new Londonderry NH. Robert Means and his family stayed in the Casco Bay region including Saco, Old Orchard Beach, and Flying Neck.

The Means Family in Maine

Scot-Irish Roots of Means Family – by Gordon Means

Means Massacre, 1756, Freeport Maine – courtesy of Freeport ME Historical Society (also read a historical account in “The Canadian Captive” pg. 333 of “Forest and Shore Legends of the Pine Tree State” by Charles P. Illsley;. Afterflight Publishings, Portland Maine

Painting of Means House, Stroutwater ME home of James and Mary (Cox) Means 1753-1832

Family Name on Wikipedia – Pronounce the Clan “Menzies” right! (Menzies Clan Link – &

Recollections of Siada by Edgar Mean – Ship Master’s Journal

Saga of the Sea by Edgar Means Journal of times on the sea.

Zouave Story by John Paul Heffernan Captain From Millbridge

“Beyond Words – The Remarkable Story of Paul and Nathalie Means” by Laura Means

Scots Irish Self Reliance on the Eastern Frontier Lecture    YouTube lecture on the Dummer Claim with many references to Thomas Means, Flying Point, Maine by the Maine Ulster-Scots Project

Revolutionary War Records – Thomas Means Jr. He was born in 1752 and was a resident of Freeport, Maine where he died on 18 Oct. 1848.   Biography of Thomas Means Jr.

Revolutionary War Records – James Means Means, James Major; He was born in Gorham, Maine in 1753 and resided there where he died on 15 Oct. 1832. He is buried in the Stroudwater Cemetery in Portland, Maine. He has a  granite monument left of the main gate. Service: He was a Pvt. In Capt. William Hart’s Minuteman; Under Col. Ed. Phinney’s  Regt.